Hello everyone!
Merry Christmas! It is getting so close and I am so so excited. I love the holiday season where we get to focus on our Savior and all He has done for us. And there are super fun activities involved that make missionary work even more exciting than it already is. Things are just good here in Kentucky, and all around the world 
We have been seeing lots of miracles in our area this week. Quick update on the Grim's: Miranda has been doing amazing. She has been smoke free for an entire week and is on track to be baptized on the 31st of December (she was going to get baptized Christmas Eve but she had a family emergency yesterday so we had to push it back a week). Lucas is still on track to be baptized on the 7th and Sarah Jane is doing an amazing job being an example and a light in her home. We are so excited to continue helping this amazing family accept the gospel and change their lives for the better :)
Last Monday, we went to dinner at Sister Markhams house (she is the best! She takes really good care of us missionaries. After she dropped us off, we went to Walmart to go contact. We really wanted to try and reach our lesson goal of 1 but we didn't have any appointments and after contacting for a little while, it was pretty apparent that no one was interested in standing out in the cold to listen to us. Around 9, as we were walking back to our bikes, we saw 2 guys and a girl walk out of papa johns. We walked over and they were totally interested! We taught them all the Restoration and committed them to read the Book of Mormon. They are ysa so we aren't going to be the ones teaching them but it was so cool to see Heavenly Father put them in our path, not only to reach our goal but to help them increase in faith and find the things missing in their lives :) and, when we are worthy of the spirit, He can help us to recognize those opportunities that might have been missed otherwise.
On Tuesday, we had a pretty open day so we decided to head up to the north part of our area (a section we have never been to). The elders before us told us that the north part was very unsuccessful and a waste of our time. That was a year ago! So, we went to see for ourselves what all the fuss was about. Turns out, the north part of our area is an extremely wealthy neighborhood called Indian hills that is by law it's own city within the city of Louisville (they have their own police and everything!) There was also no soliciting so we just tried some potentials and formers and then decided to head out. It was a biking adventure for sure and my legs were jello by the end of the day but we were glad we went so that we could understand our area a little better. That night, we went to the mall to do some more finding. You technically aren't allowed to proselyte on mall premises but we just sat outside and talked with people as they walked in and out. It was a finding filled day for sure, but we got some potentials that will hopefully turn into new investigators this week!
On Wednesday, we had another miracles. We were biking to the church after an afternoon of contacting and I decided to get some new brake pads for my bike (they were super bald haha). As we were biking away from the bike shop towards the church, we stopped to talk to a guy named Cory on the street. He was interested in our message so we taught him about the restoration and committed him to be baptized and he accepted!! He lives in the west end of Louisville so we won't be the ones teaching him, but he had so much potential. It is really amazing to me how Heavenly Father puts you/them in exactly the right place at exactly the right time to hear the gospel and accept it. He has been preparing His children and they are coming out of the woodwork as we have faith and talk with everyone we can. So cool! We also did a Facebook live lesson and a Skype lesson with Lucas. Lucas has still been struggling to keep his commitments because he is always talking himself out of his testimony. We had a very bold lesson with him on faith and how asking "what if" is just an excuse not to try. We must trust in God and ask him in faith, believing that He will answer us. He didn't have much to argue with after that and he has continued to read the Book of Mormon and pray. While having faith is such a hard quality to develop, it is so so amazing to see people put it to work. While he is still doubtful about certain things, he knows now where to find the truth. It is now his choice on whether he will act on that knowledge and find the truth sincerely. We are hoping and praying for that and we know that he will receive an answer, just as we have.
Thursday was Zone meeting. We had it in the stake center right next door to the temple so I got to see the temple yet again :) just beeping on the grounds are peaceful and being inside is even more glorious. Not being able to go to the temple as often as I would like has definitely been hard but it just makes me so much more grateful for the times when I do get to be within that spirit and feel Heaven so near. Zone Meeting was great as well. That night, we had another lesson with William and his mom and little sister. We haven't heard from them much since though, so we will keep you posted on them :) it was absolutely freezing that night as well. My face actually froze (I had to move it a lot before I could contact someone haha) but I was very grateful for hand warmers and a million layers of socks :)
Friday was so much fun!! We had weekly Planning and we promised lots of baked goods to investigators and other missionaries, so while we planned, Sister Henderson baked and baked and baked. After that, we had another lesson with Lucas. He was still doubtful but he now understands that he has to find this out for himself. He is seeking for the truth and he has the tools. We just need to get him into church on Sunday, so fingers crossed! He did come to the Ward Christmas party and was wonderfully fellowshipped by the Ward. He had a great time and would have totally come to church if the family emergency hadn't come up. I have such a strong desire to help him see the truth of this message but all we can do is invite him and help him. How and when he receives his answer is up to Heavenly Father. So, not only does Lucas need to exercise faith, but so do I! I have to have faith in Heavenly Father and His will for Lucas and act as He would act if He were here. This has been a great lesson for me to learn and I am so grateful for Heavenly Father helping me to see that more clearly this week.
We also got to volunteer at the festival of nativities that night. It is a cultural event here that our church hosts and anyone can come. There were about 500+ nativities there and it was absolutely gorgeous. Some other missionaries came as well so it was a lot of fun. 
Yesterday, we had a member's non member friend come to church! We are teaching her again tonight and we are so excited to help her to accept this gospel and come closer to our Savior. She said that she really enjoyed church and is very interested in learning more so we are super excited to see what Heavenly Father has in store for her. We also got to teach some new investigators yesterday who have lots of potential. Fingers crossed with them as well :)
I love you all and I love this mission sooooooo much! I have been able to see Heavenly Father's hand in our lives so much as we have strived to be exactly obedient and exercise faith in our Savior. We are excited to continue to see the Lord work in this area and find more of Heavenly Fathers prepared people, especially during this holiday season.
Have an amazing week and merry Christmas to you all! Eat lots of candy canes for me 
Love always,
Sister Dorian
"13 And it came to pass that the voice of the Lord came to them in their afflictions, saying: Lift up your heads and be of good comfort, for I know of the covenant which ye have made unto me; and I will covenant with my people and deliver them out of bondage.
14 And I will also ease the burdens which are put upon your shoulders, that even you cannot feel them upon your backs, even while you are in bondage; and this will I do that ye may stand as witnesses for me hereafter, and that ye may know of a surety that I, the Lord God, do visit my people in their afflictions." Mosiah 24:13-14