Hi everyone!
Oh man. Another week has come and gone and pday is here again. It is freaking me out how fast time goes...it really just needs to stop. I still have so much to learn and so many things to overcome but one amazing thing is that the mission is not meant to make us perfect. It is meant to help us develop those habits necessary for us to ultimately reach perfection after a long life of trial and learning. As we lean on the Savior and trust in His power to cleanse and heal each and everyone one of us, missionary or not, we will see miracles and life will always be a joy.
This week has been a great week, but it has also been a humbling one. We had to drop a lot of our investigators and we didn't find very many new ones. However, we learned a lot about our purpose as missionaries and how important it is to trust in the Lord and His will. One thing I have noticed about myself is that sometimes, I struggle to trust in the Lord and try to lean into mine own understanding. I try to do things the way I want and expect things to turn out how I plan. I do what I want at times even though it might not be the best way. As I have noticed this weakness, I have been truly humble and aware of how much I truly need my Savior in this life. This life is hard, with twists and turns along the way, but with the Savior it can still be a joy. We may not have had a very successful week, but it wasn't for lack of trying! It was the Lords will that we spend more of our time in other areas than finding, even though that wasn't what we had originally planned. I am so grateful for a Heavenly Father who watches over and blesses me. I know that He guides this work. I may not know everything, but I know that He loves us and things always turn out when we trust in Him. That will be a lesson I think I will spend my entire life learning, but I am grateful for the chance to be aware of it so that I can trust and have faith in the Lord and His ability to make weak things strong unto us. (Ether 12:27)
On Monday, we went to the Churchill Downs museum and toured the track for the Kentucky Derby. SO COOL!! Our mission Leaders wife took us and it was a blast. We also did lots of service this week for one of our members having a yard Sale. We got some pretty shnazy things so we were super excited.
We had some amazing lessons and miracles happen to us this week as well. We taught Brian and trish (the couple we met late at night while he was cleaning his truck) twice and they have been doing amazing! Trish has been reading the Book of Mormon to Brian and they been loving it!! They were talking to us the other day about how they really feel the Spirit when they read it, to the point where Brian almost started crying (and he is a pretty tough guy) and how it is so much easier to relate to and understand. When we taught them the plan of salvation, they just ate it up! Trish said that this answers questions that not even her preacher could answer when she was growing up. They loved it! Brian kept saying over and over, "God knows me so well. He just knows me." We have such a strong bond with these people and really feel like they are going to make it. We were super excited too because for the last few lessons, they have told us over and over how they won't come to church because they are afraid of being judged. After teaching to doctrine behind that concern, they both agreed to come next week. We are so excited. They are the best!
We also had a miracle with our other sweet baptismal date. She is the daughter of the less active family who is the only one not baptized in her family. We met with her this week and taught her the restoration and cleared up a few misconceptions that other churches had tried to teach her. When we went back to teach her on Saturday, she had finished 1 Nephi (complete with sticky notes and everything!) and prayed about the Book of Mormon. We moved into the plan of salvation and she had some amazing questions, along with her other siblings. Her mom was able to help us teach her which was amazing because it included her more in the process. After the lesson, we set her baptismal date for July 1st and she told everyone at church about it. She is so prepared!! And, to put the icing on the cake, her little brother received the Aaronic priesthood yesterday. This family is really taking a turn for the best in their lives and we are so happy for them :)
That same day, we had another miracle. We were walking around, trying Potentials and formers in a neighborhood since our two lessons there had fallen through and happened upon a potential that had been tried a few times by sister Hoyt and sister Hafen. We knocked and she let us in. We taught her the restoration and she absolutely loved it. She had some struggles with other church she had gone to so when we taught her the apostasy, it all made sense. When we shared the first vision, she was like "Wow! I have never heard that before." We extended a baptismal date for July and she accepted! She is so sweet. We are excited to teach her and help answer more of her questions. We met another guy later that day who expressed that he had a lot of questions that no one could answer (kinda like Trish) so we promised him that this gospel will answer his questions and he was pretty excited as well.
This gospel is true!! I have never been more convinced of this in my entire life. I know that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ appeared to Joseph Smith and guided him in the unfolding of this precious truth. I am so grateful for the chance this gospel gives us to fully access the Atonement. I have been ever aware of my weaknesses lately and am so eternally grateful for a Savior to forgive, cleanse, and change my heart. This is where true happiness lies and I hope to continue striving to become more Christlike in all that I say and do.
I love y'all! Have an amazing week. Always choose cheesecake over ice cream and never forget to smile to everyone you meet. You never know who could use the Spirit that you bring. Love your lives
Sister Dorian