Greetings from Louisville, Kentucky. That's right. My first area is
right here in Louisville, my mission President is in my ward and
everything! It's so awesome. We are white washing this area which
means that me and my trainer are new to the area. There used to be
Elders here but the ward mission leader asked specifically for sisters
this transfer because of all the single women and less actives. It has
been an adventure for sure trying to figure out the bus system since
we are strictly a bike area but I have loved every second of it :) it
is quite humid here but I actually love it which is a blessing. I
pretty much love this place and I haven't even been to the country
yet. There are so many people to talk to and so many things to see.
My companion is awesome. She is Becca Workmans twin I swear! So weird!
She is so sweet and reminds me a lot of my sister Hannah. We have a
lot of fun but we both like control so it is gonna be good to learn
how to give that up a little bit since I am kinda controlling
sometimes... ;)
We came into the area with 7 baptismal dates set from the previous
elders and we have only been able to teach one of them, Terry. All the
other appointments we set with the others fell through so we are still
working with them. Terry is so awesome. We were super late to our
first appointment with him because we missed our stop on the bus and
ended up getting dropped off in downtown (way out of our area).
Luckily we had our bikes or we would have been lost for hours. After a
quick prayer and our wonderful iPads, we found him and taught him and
he was so receptive. His heart is definitely prepared for this gospel.
He got his shut out of storage to come to church with us but he got
sick that morning so he couldn't come. Such a bummer! We are meeting
with him this week so we will keep working hard!
One amazing miracle we had this week was with an investigator we have
that the elders found. Her name is Stacy. We had an appointment with
her but couldn't find where she lived so we couldn't make it. We were
walking around trying to find out what to do instead since she
wouldn't answer her phone and decided to say a prayer. We felt like
going back to the more populated road by the apartments so we did. As
we headed over there, we bumped into her! She had gone to McDonalds
with her sister. Such a blessing! We set up an appointment with her
and went to see her yesterday but only her sister maya was there. So
we taught maya while we waited. The Lord knows who is prepared and He
will lead us if we are worthy and obedient. Even though we couldn't
teach Stacy, her sister was able to have a lesson and set up another
appointment with us. The Lord works in mysterious ways so we will see
what happens with them. It was such a cool experience to see that
prayer so immediately answered :)
We also had the opportunity to visit a lady named Darlene. A recent
convert asked us to visit her because she is super sick and has been
very depressed. We went over with a member in our ward and taught her
about Gods love for her and His mindfulness of her. It was such a cool
experience to be able to just visit her and let her know that sweet
message. I know that the Savior wants us to care for and love all of
His children since He can't physically be here for all of them. I am
so grateful that He has given me this sacred opportunity to serve Him
by serving and loving His children.
We got to talk with this lady named Pam this week and it was a hard
yet spiritual experience. She is an atheist and she started out the
conversation mad at us and the world and I was ready to leave very
soon after I said hello. My companion in her wisdom decided to stay
and listen to her. I got the chance to bear my testimony and explain
why I am on a mission and we ended the conversation on a very positive
note. She said that no missionaries ever stopped to listen to what she
had to say but because we had, we had been the highlight of her day.
She said she had a respect for Mormons which was a big change from the
beginning. Even though it wasn't the most comfortable converts to
have, Heaven,y Father needed us there so she could change her view of
us and feel heard. So cool how Heavenly Father leads us to people that
He needs us to touch even though we would usually have stayed clear of
them. He is so interested in all of His children's lives and I was
grateful for the opportunity to bear my testimony and be a
representative of Christ.
I know that this church is true. I have such a deep testimony of my
Savior's love for me and for all of those on this earth. I have found
myself loving and praying for people that I have hardly met and I care
about them so much! I know that the Savior is blessing us as
missionaries with the ability to love as He loves. Even though the
love I feel doesn't even compare to the love He feels for them, I am
so grateful for that gift from him. I love these people so much and I
can't even wait to find those who's hearts are prepared for this word.
The church is so true! God lives. He directs this work and I am deeply
humble for the opportunity that I have to be a Part of it :) hurrah
for Israel!
I will do my best to write letters this week. I am so busy all day
every day that I hardly ever have time to write in my journal or do
much of anything other than missionary work. But I am allowed to read
emails during the week so you can send them anytime and I'll be able
to read them. I just can't write back until Monday.
Thank you so much for all the support and prayers. I love you all.
Have a wonderful week.
Sister Sariah Dorian
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