Hey y'all!
How was everyone's week this week?? This week was AWESOME. We did have some sad news come to us this week though: Sister Hoyt is getting transferred! We have gotten really close in the last six weeks so it is going to be a super tough transition but we already have a Harry Potter marathon planned for when she gets back so life is good. She is going to Salem, IN and switching places with her MTC comp, Sister Stanley who is coming here. She seems really fun and sweet so I am excited to hit the ground running with her here in the blessed "Go" :)
This week, I have learned a lot about Christlike service and how to be a more effective disciple of Christ. One thing that really sticks out was what we were trained on at Zone Conference. We must remember that these people that we find and teach are children of God with lives and concerns, fears and mistakes. They need what we have but don't know where to find it. So many times on my mission, I have found myself so focused on a goal or number that I lose sight of the true purpose of this work, which is to bring Heavenly Father's children back to Him, complete in an eternal family forever. We become effective finders and teachers when we do our work out of love and help others feel Heavenly Fathers love in our interactions. The best source of that Spirit is the Book of Mormon. The Book of Mormon should be the main source of conversion for both us and our investigators. When we use it and share it, those we share it with can feel Heavenly Fathers love and His knowledge of them. We have seen such success as we have strived to really love and strengthen those that we serve, and we are happier too! Life is just good :)
As for the week, we have a very eventful week (again!). On Monday, we went to practice my song for Zone conference again and then headed over to Abraham Lincolns Birthplace. It was so cool! On Tuesday, we did weekly planning (since we had a bunch of things come up last week which made it near impossible to do) and then went to lunch with Sister Ireland. Then we did service at the Adult Day Care Center.
On Tuesday and Friday, we had amazing lessons with some new investigators that we found while tracking. They have been to lots of churches but haven't really been able to find one that they can call home. The boyfriend has studied the Bible a lot and is striving to find Christ's true church on the Earth today. As we read the introduction of the Book of Mormon together in our first meeting, they were very interested and intrigued. He thought is very interesting that Heavenly Father provided for 12 witnesses to the BOM, just like how he had done in the biblical era (12 apostles). When we came back on Friday, it was only him and he had already read 6 chapters! He even said to us, "This Book must be true because as soon as I sat down to read it, a bunch of distractions got in my way. That is the same thing that happens when I read the Bible!" We taught him about the doctrine of baptism and how it is so important to have the proper authority and he seemed to really understand. He is still shaky on a baptismal date because he wants to do this as a family effort and others in the family aren't really on board just yet, but he is really seeking for truth. He has been praying specifically to know if the Book of Mormon is true so we are praying that he finds his answers soon! He also has a daughter in foster care who actually has been raised Mormon in a ward in our stake, so he sees this as maybe a way to connect with his daughter again. There are no coincidences in this life, people. Everything happens for a reason!
On Wednesday, we did some service in the morning and then a woman in the community who we were helping with some dog watching took us out to eat at such a good Mexican restaurant. I am tellin you, I will be coming home much heavy then I came out. This food baby is really a struggle hahaha. We were also able to get in contact with a less active that has been going through a rough time lately and find a pretty cool new investigator :)
On Thursday, we had Zone conference and man, it was straight fire. We went home and exchanged with the STL's so we and sister Andrus decided to exercise our faith and apply our training and guess what happened. Not only did we find 2 new investigators, a potential, and set up a solid time with a less active, we were able to do it with the help of the Book of Mormon and guidance of the Holy Ghost. Heavenly Father was using us as instruments in His hands to bring these people closer to Christ. It is such a joyful feeling! The work is booming here in Glasgow and it is just awesome!
On Friday, we had that awesome lesson with that awesome prepared investigator. Then that night we went and scrubbed the walls of a recent convert who has fallen back into some old habits so we are helping him get back on track. He is seriously SO AWESOME. Sweetest guy ever and we are so excited to see him progress toward the temple.
Saturday was weekly Planning again and then work over in Cave City. We found the sweetest potential ever when we first went out there. He is this older gentleman who has gone through many hard things in his life that have pulled him away from Heavenly Father. When we brought him the Book of Mormon and testified that Christ truly can strengthen us in any trial, he seemed so grateful and excited. When we prayed with him, he began to cry and explained that he has really gotten off track and needs to get his relationship back with God again, so we promised him that this gospel is the way to find that relationship and receive that strength. We shared the Book of Mormon and the Spirit was able to testify of Heavenly Fathers love. It works! We also taught a Spanish lesson on Saturday (more like the Elders in Louisville taught it and we said a few words every once in a while hahaha) and taught Brian and Trish.
Brian and Trish are moving along slowly but they are trying. They even came to sacrament meeting! They haven't been reading like they should so we went and read with them this week. They enjoyed church even though it was a lot quieter than they are used to. They are really struggling right now with the aspect of change, both the fact that sister Hoyt has to leave since we all got really close and the fact that they are going to have to change a lot about their life style in order to experience the full blessings of this gospel. We hope to have a strong lesson on the Atonement of Jesus Christ soon. Nephi said it best in 2 Nephi 25:26 when he said, "And we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ, and we write according to our prophecies, that our children [or investigators] may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins." The Savior is the source from where we find a remission of our sins and true happiness in this life. I absolutely love the last line in The Living Christ which says "God be thanked for the matchless gift of His Divine Son." The Savior and His sacrifice is a gift and I see it change hearts every day, both those that I teach and my own. I am very imperfect, but with the Savior I can one day become all that He wants us to become with His help. What a glorious thing it is to share this marvelous message with the world! Hurrah for Israel.
Yesterday was a great day as well. We had a wonderful church service, we found lots of people and set up some return appointments for next week, taught Brian and Trish again, and ate super yummy Italian beef sandwiches and caramel cheesecake. Thank you for all of the birthday wishes! It meant so much to hear from you all in one way or another. Turning 20 is a surreal feeling but it was pretty awesome to serve the Lord and do His work on a day when I normally would be WAY too focused on myself. This gospel is so amazing and I love the chance that Heavenly Father gives us to share it with His children.
I also wanted to give a shoutout to my awesome daddy. I super duper lucked out with my dad. He is the most amazing example to me of one who exercises their priesthood righteously for the benefit of Heavenly Fathers children in his callings, in his everyday life, and especially in our home. He has helped and supported me in so many ways and taught me all about how to live a Christ-centered life and I am so very grateful. Heavenly Father sure has blessed me with a solid crew for eternity, of which I will be forever grateful. Have an amazing day y'all!
Sister Dorian
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