Hey y'all.
Man. The weeks just keep getting better and better. Miracles are happening and the work is progressing here in the blessed land of Glasgow. We have had such an amazing week. I will apologize in advance if this email is long. They always are but I will just apologize anyways ;)
This week, I learned the importance of having pure motives centered on Christ. We have been having this big push to find in our mission so that we can be more effective at teaching and baptizing those who are truly prepared for the gospel. With this push, sister Hoyt and I have been working our bums off finding, and we have seen many miracles as we have exercised faith and put the work in. However, I have noticed my self at times losing sight of why we are finding. We have tried to change the motives behind finding and have found people who are truly prepared for this gospel. When we are focused on finding those who are searching for the truth and acting as instruments in Gods hands, we are led to wonderful prepared children of God. So awesome!
Now to the miracles! The first one happened on Wednesday. We went to a part of our area where we have found a few of our investigators to see if there was anyone there interested. After knocking a few doors, we walked up to a lady on her porch and asked if she would like to hear our message. She said sure and accepted the commitment to read. We are seeing her again this week and see some great potential there. We found another lady who also has potential with sweet little boys who we met while tracting another part of town during the week. We were on a street and both of us just stopped. I looked to Sister Hoyt and said, "where does He need us to be right now?". She looks to this house a few houses up and then back at me and said, "we should try that one". We walked up and a few guys outside told us to knock and ask if she was interested. We did and she was!! We are meeting with her this week as well so fingers crossed.
The most exciting miracles actually all happened yesterday. We have been working with a less active family where one of the daughters isn't baptized for a few different reasons so we have been trying hard to work with them more closely. As we were over this week, not only did they tell us they were coming to church, but they told us they are bringing their non member family member (sister in law)! She came yesterday and the mom told us that she is interested in investigating after she gets settled into her own place! Yay!!!! She has already been to church a few times and loves it. So cool.
Later on that day, we were driving to an appointment and drove past an inn in town where we saw a couple sitting in the parking lot. After driving for about 30 sec, I knew we needed to turn around. Sister Hoyt felt the same way, even though she had already spoken to the couple before. When we got there, they were gone! We were bummed and thought, why did we need to turn around?? We saw a lady sitting outside so we decided to talk to her. As we said hello, she got all emotional and said, "it is actually funny that you stopped. I was just sitting here crying because I have been going through some things." We got out and gave her a hug and she told us about how she was just going to comment to something on Facebook that she needed a hug right as we drove up. She feels very distant from God and needs something to bring her back to Him. You could probably guess how excited we were to testify of the Book of Mormon and how it could bless her life. A few people from the Inn came out and expressed interest as well so we are meeting with them this week!
Then, we found the greatest miracle of all that night. We had plans to go teach a Spanish potential and had g set up to have the Spanish elders skype in (she even confirmed it!) however, when we got here, she wasn't home :( we decided to knock another door just in case we were mistaken on our Hispanic investigators address and a lady came and answered. We asked if she had ever talked to Mormons and she told us that she doesn't even know what that means! So she let us in and we began teaching her about the restoration of the gospel. When we taught about Joseph Smith and his search for truth, she said "that is how I feel too!" Sister Hoyt and I were so excited. She said that she thinks it is a sign that we showed up because she has been praying and asking God to help her know the truth and then we showed up at her door. She was baptized into another church about 2 years ago to show her faith in Christ but she is still searching. When we told her about the Book of Mormon she said, "oh, I'll read it!" She is so sweet and we are so excited to teach her! Neither of us felt good about setting a baptismal date with her though, so that will come with time. It is so amazing to see the Lord putting people in our path and using us as instruments in His hands when we strive to follow the Spirit and be exactly obedient.
I love you all. I love this gospel. I know this is the true church on the Earth today, complete with the full priesthood authority of God. I know that because of this, we can be with our families forever, we can find peace and joy in any circumstance, and we can know about the true nature of our Heavenly Father and His Son. I know that this is His work and that He is hastening it through His righteous missionary force, both those set apart and those who are member missionaries. A marvelous work is going forth among the children of men (D&C 4:1) and I absolutely love being able to see His work first hand.
Have a great week! We have an active week ahead of us because our car is in the shop so we are on bikes. So excited :) Remember to pray always and be believing and all things will work together for good. Love y'all!
Sister Dorian 