This week has been literally crazy. I can't even really remember what
happened because SO MUCH HAPPENED. Before I get into all the details,
I will just get the biggest news out in the open. I got emergency
transferred on Saturday back up to Louisville to the area right next
to my very first one (Rolling Hills). There was a very sticky
situation with an investigator and the sister who was here needed to
head out fast so President asked me to make the switch. It's been a
whirlwind but I have felt many confirmations from the Spirit that I am
supposed to be here. So crazy!
This emergency transfer actually goes perfectly into what I learned
this week, and that is trusting in a Gods will and timing. Sometimes,
we think we have everything planned and under control and then
Heavenly Father tells you that you need to change things up a bit (or
a lot). Even though that may seem like the hardest thing to do at the
time, if you follow in faith, miracles occur! As soon as I got the
news that I needed to transfer, I knew it was what needed to happen.
Even though I was being uprooted from the town I had just gotten to
know, having to leave the branch and district I had just met and
become friends with, I just knew in my heart that it was what Heavenly
Father needed and wanted. And ever since I have been back in
Louisville, I have just felt that confirmed time and time again. It
was as if I had been prepared for this transfer the entire time that I
was down in Somerset and now I am ready to be here and do the work
needed of me here. I am so grateful to have a Heavenly Father that
knows us better than we do and loves us enough to change the plans for
our benefit and learning. There is no doubt in my mind that this is
where Heavenly Father wants me to be and for that, I am so very
thankful. Elder Christofferson shares an experience about Hugh B.
Brown in his talk "As Many as I Love, I Rebuke and Chasten” and he
says, "“And then I heard a voice, and I recognized the tone of this
voice. It was my own voice, and the voice said, ‘I am the gardener
here. I know what I want you to do.’ The bitterness went out of my
soul, and I fell on my knees by the cot to ask forgiveness for my
ungratefulness '… And now, almost 50 years later, I look up to [God]
and say, ‘Thank you, Mr. Gardener, for cutting me down, for loving me
enough to hurt me.’” I echo Hugh B Brown in saying that I am so glad
that I have a loving Gardner who loves me enough to humble me and
strengthen me :)
Now for the week:
We had a crazy P-day in Somerset cleaning up our apartment and writing
emails so there isn't much to tell for that day. We were able to teach
an amazing new investigator who is really going through a struggle in
his life and searching for the truth and the peace of the gospel so
they are helping him to progress. We were able to teach a few other
lessons to new investigators, as well as lots of lessons in Spanish.
We were able to move our Spanish investigators Date back and he has
been doing so great! Another member in the Ward who speaks Spanish has
been his fellowship and it has been great. I am really hoping we can
get down in a few weeks for his baptism π€π»π€π»we also had interviews
with president and a movie night with the branch where we watched
Legacy (sister Westwood had a brilliant idea to have a mini player
playing the words in Spanish while our Spanish investigator/member
watched it and they LOVED IT). We did lots more finding and a lot of
service as well. It was a good week.
On Friday afternoon, we got the call from president that I was going
to be moving back to Louisville and switching a sister who HAD TO
MOVE. He said that he actually had it all set up so that a different
sister was going to switch but after our interviews, he couldn't sleep
and felt very prompted to move me. That is just evidence that Heavenly
Father is in every single detail. I love it!
Rolling Hills has been quite the adventure. My new companion is Sister
O'Keeffe. She was baptized at the end of 2014 and left on her mission
exactly a year and day later. This is her second to last transfer and
she is a boss missionary! We really get along so great. We have stayed
up WAY too late every night we have been together just talking and
laughing our heads off for hours. Literally. It's so great. We have
some amazing investigators with so much potential! The Ward is
absolutely ginormous compared to the other wards/branches so it feels
a little bit like my home Ward. All in all, it is a great place and I
am excited to serve the Lord here.
Louisville can't get rid of me!
I love you all. Thank you for all of the love, support and prayers.
Life is oh so good. This church is true and the Savior truly is our
very dearest friend. "God be thanked for the matchless gift of His
Divine Son"-The Living Christ
Sister Dorian πΊπ½
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