Hey y'all
How was everyone's week? We had a crazy week (per usual) but so many lessons were learned so it was one for the books. Heavenly Father truly does know us so perfectly and loves us so unconditionally and because of that, He must allow some trial in order to shape us and fit us to live with Him. So eternally grateful for an all-knowing Heavenly Father who's will is so much better than my own.
That brings me to what I learned this week, and that is that submitting our will to Heavenly Father's is the way to true happiness and peace. I have been studying the Atonement recently in personal studies and one thing from this morning really stuck out to me. In True to the Faith, it says, "The Atonement is the supreme expression of our Heavenly Father’s love for us (see John 3:16). It is also the greatest expression of the Savior’s love for the Father and for us". It goes on to say that because Christ lived a "perfect, sinless life, He was free from the demands of justice. Because He had the power of redemption and because He had no debt to justice, he could pay the debt for those who repent." As I read these things, I felt the Spirit testify to me that our Savior was able to submit to Heavenly Father's will and perform the Atonement because of His perfect love for His Father and for us. Pure love motivates us to act in faith and do what Heavenly Father would have us do. "And again, behold I say unto you that he cannot have faith and hope, save he shall be meek, and lowly of heart. If so, his faith and hope is vain, for none is acceptable before God, save the meek and lowly in heart; and if a man be meek and lowly in heart, and confesses by the power of the Holy Ghost that Jesus is the Christ, he must needs have charity; for if he have not charity he is nothing; wherefore he must needs have charity." Moroni 7:43-44
Now for miracles. Last pday, sister O'Keeffe needed to print pictures and decided on Walmart. We were sitting in Walmart emailing/printing pictures and I happened to catch a glimpse of a lady riding past in a motorized cart. As she rode by, I felt the Spirit and knew that she loved the Savior. Then, all of a sudden, she started backing up and rode over to us. She told us that she had met with missionaries before and asked if she could have a Book of Mormon. Unfortunately, we didn't have any! Luckily, we had cards and after answering her questions and getting her information, we showed her the prince of Peace video and set a return appt. This was such a miracle and testimony to me that as we are obedient and exercise faith, Heavenly Father provides miracles, even if they take some time to come about. I have faith that good things are to come as the prepared are found. We had another lesson with her this week and will hopefully be meeting with her soon :)
We were also able to see lots of less actives this week. We have this one less active that has been really down in the dumps and our district had an idea to do a cake party since she enjoys baking cakes. She actually agreed so we are so excited to do that this week, along with doing some walking with her. Her daughter and her daughters husband are less active as well and we were able to get in to teach him as well. They are so sweet!
We had another miracle with our recent convert who got baptized last month. We went over to teach her and when we started teaching, she told us that she had been reading Enos and felt the Spirit so strong. She said she didn't even know what exactly was being said but she still felt so warm inside periodically as she read. It is so amazing to see the Holy Ghost working in her life as she acts in faith. Those things bring me so much joy!
Our most progressing investigator is doing great. We are so excited for his baptism coming up. He has been going through the ringer this week, experiencing lots of opposition but we had such a spiritual lesson with him this week. He is so ready to be baptized and I am so grateful for the opportunity that I have been given to teach him. We call ourselves the triad and are sure that this triad will last for life. He is going to do amazing this in this gospel!
I am so grateful for the chance to be a missionary. I know that even though we may not always understand, Heavenly Father's will is the most perfect path for us. We will always be able to find true joy as we love Him and allow that love to change our hearts. This church is so true! The Savior lives and our Heavenly Father and Savior love us. "God be thanked for the matchless gift of His Divine Son"-The Living Christ
Sister Dorian 

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