Hey y'all!
I hope you all had a great week. I can't believe it is Monday again. Where does the time go?? So crazy how fast time flies by. Like I say every week, I wish it would slow down a bit but I am grateful for all the many joyous moments Heavenly Father has given me as a missionary and I am doing my best to make the most of this short time He has given me to serve Him here.
This week, I got a new companion, Sister Moore. She is so awesome!!!! We have so much fun together laughing and teaching and talking with everyone and eating. She loves food too so that is one of our hobbies haha. She is an amazing missionary with the sweetest testimony and such a hard work ethic. She has been helping me with the purification challenge because a lot of the things on my list to work on are things she is great at so she is helping me be more accountable to things. We have already gotten really close so I think we are going to have a solid transfer!
In Highlands, we had a great week even though it had its sad moments. It has been raining like crazy because Kentucky is having trouble deciding whether it should be warm or cold ;) After lots of hard work and prayers, we had to drop most of the investigators in our teaching pool because they were keeping commitments, were unable to contact, or just not interested. We have spent so much time with these people and have seen miracles happen in their lives but we can't spend this valuable time with them if they aren't going to progress. I feel very much at peace though because those investigators we kept are progressing and have solid potential. I have actually gotten very excited this week to see what's in store in the coming weeks because whenever we have to drop people, it's because Heavenly Father has His prepared children ready to hear this word and we need to focus our time finding, teaching, baptizing, and retaining them! So, our week has been filled with lots of finding and it has been a great way for Sister Moore to get to know the area.
We did have some amazing miracles this week! On Wednesday, I woke up with a stomach ache that led to me being sick later on in the day. We had a dinner appt that night and I knew that I wasn't going to be able to do much walking/biking/talking with people after that. So, after receiving a blessing from the Elders, we had an idea to try and use our technology to do our missionary work so that we didn't have to go out. And guess what?? We taught two lessons from our desks over Messenger to some potentials that we met earlier on. How cool is that?? I am convinced that Heavenly Father is hastening His work in so many ways and technology is one of them! So amazing to be able to see that first hand.
Another miracle happened to us yesterday. We were looking through our weekly goals and realized that we had a goal for three lessons with a member present and we hadn't been able to get any that week because of all of the finding and dropping of investigators that we have been doing. We saw that we had three lessons scheduled for the day so we set up members for each one. The first one was AMAZING. We had a solid member with us who bore amazing testimony to our investigator who has been struggling to commit to a date because she has been baptized so many times. Even though she still didn't commit, she understands the priesthood and why know if the Book of Mormon is true is so important! After that, we wanted that same member to come with us to our second lesson but then it fell through :( so, we went to our dinner appt with faith that Heavenly Father would provide so that we could hit our goal. We took the senior missionaries that we ate with out with us to the appt we had scheduled after dinner and that one fell through as well! Luckily, Sister Moore and I had back up plans. After our first lesson that fell through, we both felt prompted to plan in Facebook time to try and teach lessons that way again, like we had on Wednesday. After that second one fell through, we went home and started messaging anyone we could. Again, we found two potentials who were interested in a discussion. So we grabbed some of our Facebook friends that are members who were active and had lessons. So again, because of technology, we were able to hit our goal and help these people progress in the gospel. Because of these discussions, both are interested in reading the Book of Mormon and meeting with missionaries. So cool! When we exercise faith in our Savior and His enabling power, Heavenly Father provides so that you can reach your goals and strengthen the faith of those you serve. Such an amazing experience!
That is all for this week! I am so excited to see who Heavenly Father has been preparing for this gospel in the coming weeks. It has been such an amazing experience to see His plan for each and every one of His children. I am always in awe of how perfect that plan truly is for each and every one of us. He knows us so perfectly and because of that, He knows what experience we need to stretch and grow and progress. Joy is found as we focus on the Savior and His Atoning sacrifice. I can testify that He lives. He lives and loves us SO MUCH. Because of His great and infinite sacrifice, all we must do is turn to Him and ask Him to strengthen and redeem us. There is a quote from my study this morning that really hit me. In her talk titled "The Soul's Sincere Desire", Carol F. McConkie said, "He does not want us to suffer longer or endure more trials than needed. He does want us to turn to Him and allow Him to ease our burdens, to heal our hearts, and to cleanse our souls through His purifying power." Through His purifying power, we can have the Spirit and pure joy more abundantly in our lives. I know this is true because I have experienced it countless times in my life, especially on my mission. The Savior is our best friend and He is oh so sweet. I love Him with all my heart and think it a marvelous privilege to serve Him here in Kentucky. As we strengthen our relationship with Him, our desire to share His gospel and this joyous news will increase. I have seen that happen in my life! As I work to apply the Atonement in my life and come closer to Christ, I work harder and with more vigor to share this gospel because I know that this is the only way for my fellow brothers and sisters can experience that same peace in their lives. This gospel is true. The Book of Mormon is true. It's amazing and I love it :)
I love you all! Have a great week and stay warm! 
Sister Dorian
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