Hello family!
This weekly is probably going to blow everyone's mind because the week was anything but normal missionary work wise. It has been quite a testimony to me though that the Lord is in the details. He knows us so much better than we know ourselves. He knows what we need and how long we need it. I am so grateful for His will and the ability that I have to submit to it in this life and see miracles unfold.
So, the big news is that President is transferring me two weeks early. There are some circumstances and events that occurred that have made this the best option in the long run. I am going down to Glasgow, Kentucky tomorrow morning and Sister Hafen (my MTC comp) is coming up to Rolling Hills. We found out that I was getting moved on Friday night and then immediately exchanged with the STL's and I have been with Sister Andrus ever since. The crazy part is that we did our STL exchange from Wednesday to Thursday so I will have been with Sister Andrus for 4 whole days by the end of this swap. It has been a weird feeling to be out of my area with a sister who isn't my companion for so long. But as crazy as this all has been, it has taught me so much and I feel so at peace.
The main lesson that I learned this week is how important it is to trust in God and submit to His will for you instead of your own. I never thought in a million years that what happened this week would happen, but it did and everything seemed to fall into place so perfectly afterward. I know that Heavenly Father knows us so well. He wants us to be successful in all aspects of our lives and even though we aren't perfect, He will make all things for our good. He is perfectly aware of what we go through and knows how He wants us to grow and progress and when. I am so infinitely grateful for the chance to have a Heavenly Father who loves me so infinitely and for a Savior that has given me a chance to learn and progress in this life. Heavenly Father put it perfectly to Joseph Smith when He said, "My son, peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment; And then, if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high;. . .Thy friends do stand by thee, and they shall hail thee again with warm hearts and friendly hands." I love this gospel. I know that it is true and I know that our Savior lives. He loves us and carries us through every thing we go through in this life. Hallelujah!
Now for the week :) on Monday, we had dinner with a sweet member of the Ward at Carrabas and she told us all about Oaks and the Derby. Her husband and her have connections with their company so they go for super cheap/free all the time and it is so fun! She is such an amazing example of a Christlike woman who strives to do the right as much as she can. It was a very fun experience.
On Tuesday, we had a very successful night. We had a discussion with a sweet couple outside of their house about the Book of Mormon (what it is, where it came from, etc). It didn't lead to much potential but then we went to an apartment complex close by and started visiting some people there and so many miracles happened! First, I talked to a guy who ended up being a family member of a member in the Ward! We got his information and everything. Then, we walked to a random building and tried a door. No answer. As we were walking out, we decided to turn around and knock one more door. A teenage boy answered and after we told them about who we were, he turned to his mom and she let us right in. We ended up teaching the restoration lesson and you could tell that the Spirit was there. We weren't able to set up a return appt since they are so busy but we have high hopes for the future :)
On Wednesday, Sister Andrus came to rolling hills and we had another amazing lesson. It was with a woman who lives across the street from some members in our ward. As we began the lesson, she expressed her love for the Savior and how she has seen God play a major role in her life through the illness that she has. The Spirit began prompting us to share multiple scriptures and it was amazing to feel the Spirit testify of the truths of the gospel through God's word. The scriptures are powerful teachers because they are the best way to bring the Spirit. Even though she isn't set on changing anything right now, her daughter and her plan on giving the Book of Mormon a shot and if it is God's path for her, she will pursue it. Even when people don't see these truths for what they are at first, we know she felt the Spirit and hope she will continue to read so that the Spirit can testify more to her.
On Thursday, we went running in the rain (miracle) and had a lesson with our traumatic brain injury investigator. He doesn't seem to be very willing to act so we may have to drop him soon but we had a young woman and our ward mission leader there so it turned out to be a very entertaining lesson for sure. Friday is when we switched out our car for a Malibu and reexchanged.
On Saturday, we had so many miracles!! The main one that comes to mind is our lesson with a wonderful investigator that the STL's are teaching. When we got to the lesson, she had already read to Ch. 4 in the BOM and said that she when she started reading she didn't want to stop! She has gone through lots of trials in her life and is currently not ready to give up her sinful lifestyle. She knows that she needs to and feels the pull from God to get back on the path but she keeps resisting because she is scared of the unknown. I wish I could adequately portray the Spirit that was in that lesson. We truly felt as if the Spirit was teaching her through us. We felt like literal instruments in the Lord's hands, there to represent Him as we testified of the Atonement and God's ability to cleanse and heal us through the Spirit. She was wary about Joseph Smith and his role as a prophet as well in the beginning and by the end, she was willing to give him another chance. Wow. It was a lesson I will never, ever forget. This is not our work. This is God and His Beloved Son's work. We are meant to act as His representatives here to bring His children peace and joy. How wonderful is that?? I am so grateful for this chance to serve Heavenly Father and His children in this capacity. It truly brings joy, a joy that can not even be described.
Yesterday was stake Conference. We had everything lined up for Crystal to come but she wasn't able to make it. It was a great conference and I loved the talks about increasing our spiritual sensitivity through temple attendance, scripture study, prayer, and other righteous acts of faith. Then, we had a lesson with a couple who has basically been learning about all the religions and picking things they like from all of them. They have both been exposed to the Book of Mormon but haven't gained a divine witness of its truthfulness. After the lesson, he said that we had cleared up a lot of his questions and both of them agreed to read the Book of Mormon again, this time asking for a divine witness from God that it is true. So cool!
It was just a great week. We saw miracles as we followed the Spirit and went where the Lord told us to go. We may not always understand why Heavenly Father tells us to do things or go places, but in the end, miracles ALWAYS happen. I know that The Savior is as the head of this church. This is His work and He directs it. While we may not always do things perfect, He will make all things for our good (D&C 122:7).
I love you all. Have an amazing week!! Thank you for all of your our love, support, and prayers. I am so excited to head to the Deep South and experience rural Kentucky. Yeehhaww
Love always,
Sister Dorian
"He is the light, the life, and the hope of the world. His way is the path that leads to happiness in this life and eternal life in the world to come. God be thanked for the matchless gift of His divine Son"-The Living Christ
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