Hello everyone!
I am starting to think that this transfer was meant to be a crazy one because week after week is a whirlwind but it has been so good because I have been learning so much. Before I go into things that I learned this week, I just want to start by saying thank you to all of you for all of your love, support, and prayers. I can't even explain strength that I feel from you all, so I am eternally grateful
This week, I have learned SO MUCH about the Atonement. I will honestly say that there have been times this week where I have felt very discouraged and down, wondering if I even have the strength to do what the Lord has asked me to do. I had such an amazing experience on exchange that brought me so much peace. I was studying Helaman 5 and pondering the Atonement and all of a sudden I felt the Spirit envelope me in love and peace. I felt that Heavenly Father understood me and knew my heart. I knew that He is aware of me and the efforts I am making to obey His will and follow Him in all things. I knew that all the things that we have gone through this transfer have been put in place to humble me and help me realize my dependence on the Savior. I know that if we try to do this on our own, we will be unsuccessful. However, when when we are yoked to the Savior and trust in His enabling power, we can do all things. I know that the things Heavenly Father is teaching me this transfer is going to allow me to do His work more effectively and forget myself. I am so grateful for trials and it was so fitting to be able to go to the fireside last night where every testimony was about depending on the Savior to overcome hard times. Life is so good and I have realized that you truly can find joy in all things when you focus on Christ and trust in Him.
Also, that broadcast was AMAZING. I loved the emphasis on faith and trust and serving others. Another thing I have learned is that serving others is the best way to turn out and act as Christ would. When life isn't ideal, I tend to focus on myself. However, when I serve others in those times, I can see the Lords hand and find peace. Charity is born when service for our fellow men is our main focus and desire. I know Christ loves and His Atonement is real. This gospel is so true!
This week was pretty great for our investigators. One of our investigators got baptized!!!!! She was so sweet and nervous before but after, she was so happy! And, she was even happier when she got the Holy Ghost. She said that she felt a warm feeling come over her that made her feel so good. She was very overwhelmed by all the feelings she was having but you could tell she just seemed happier :) she even stayed for 3 hours of church. It is so wonderful to see the gospel change people's lives and hearts. We also had a baptism for an 8 yr old the same day so it was a great day all around :) quick funny story: in the middle of Shelley's baptism, we had a random guy walk in and start preaching to opus about the Savior and how we all need to repent to come closer to him. It freaked us all out but it was pretty perfect timing because it was right before the talk on baptism and it is true that repentance is so necessary to come closer to Christ. It was just really scary to have him come in all unannounced and stuff. Heavenly Father helped it work out, which was good :) hahaha crazy times
We also had a cool experience with our one of our other investigators this week. We went over with a member and he started off by saying that he is having second thoughts about the whole thing since he has been baptist his whole life. As we followed the Spirit and asked inspired questions, we realized that he has not been keeping his commitments like he should. We went forward with the lesson that we planned that morning about the gospel of Jesus Christ and the lesson ended with him committed to coming to church and praying to know if these things are true. It was great!! I have really gained a testimony this week of how important it is to plan and follow the Spirit to receive revelation in those plans. As we study and prepare, the Spirit can call upon those things in lessons to bless the lives of those we work with. We are hoping to recommit him to a date this week and will keep you posted on the progress :)
I was also able to hear my YSA recent convert from Highlands bear her testimony last night and I swear my heart almost burst with pure happiness. She has come so far, and the gospel has truly changed her heart. She is so much more confident and sure of herself as a daughter of God. She knows that this is the truth and is even going to the temple soon (she got her recommend yesterday too!) Moments like that are what make the mission. The Savior is in the details and this is His work. It is a privilege to see Him work these miracles in others lives. I love it so much!!!
Other than that, life has been a mixture of finding, zone conference (which was amazing), exchanges (which were also amazing), and teaching those in our ward and the other investigators we are working with. As we continue to be exactly obedient and follow the prompting of the Spirit, I know that the Lord has many people to put in our path here who are ready to accept this gospel and change their lives. I know that He has great plans for us as we act in faith and trust in His power, so that is my goal this week! 🤞🏻
I love you all. Thank you again for all that you have done. I know that this church is true. I know that this is the Savior's work on the Earth today and He is at the head. I know that as we strive to cultivate those Christlike attributes, we will see miracles in our lives and we will be effective instruments in the hands of our Heavenly Father, whether we are official missionaries or member missionaries. The Atonement is real and it works. This gospel is how we access it and allow it to enable and change us. Happiness and joy are available to all who focus on the Savior. Hurrah for Israel!
Sister Dorian
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