Hello everyone!
This week has been another whirlwind of a week but I have learned so much about myself and others, so it has been successful even though it hasn't been the easiest :) it is so amazing how wonderful missions are because even though they bring out your weaknesses, it is a perfect environment to overcome them. When we read our scriptures every day, pray all the time, serve others, and surround ourselves with an uplifting atmosphere, the Spirit can be our constant companion to teach, correct, and strengthen you. What a wonderful gift Heavenly Father has given us to work and change and progress with the Savior
Also, I wanted to include a continuation of my thoughts on perfectionism, since I have been working on it this week. There is something that my dad wrote to me in a letter that really made an impact regarding this subject. He said that we must be focused on why we are being obedient and striving for perfection. The lower law is to do it out of duty or fear. While we are still being obedient, we are failing to let the obedience change us to become more like Jesus Christ. However, when we are obedient because we love the Savior and want to do what He asks because He knows what is best, then we will experience the mighty change of heart spoken of in Alma 5. In verse 13 it says "And behold, he preached the word unto your fathers, and a mighty change was also wrought in their hearts, and they humbled themselves and put their trust in the true and living God. And behold, they were faithful until the end; therefore they were saved". The perfectionism that I have noticed in myself is a product of pride, a desire to be perfect out of fear and without humility or trust. Striving for perfection, on the other hand, is centered on humbling ourselves before the Savior and depending/trusting in Him so that His Atonement can create a mighty change in our hearts. I am so grateful to be working on this because it gives me a chance to turn to Christ in all that I do. The Spirit is the perfect teacher, for us and for our investigators. As we turn to Christ, others will see the light that shines forth from our lives and desire to do the same. What a humbling thing to learn this week. It is comforting to know that we don't have to do this alone. With the Savior, we can overcome weaknesses and become strong in our faith in Christ (Ether 12:27).
The week was quite crazy but we have had some miracles come to pass and things are moving right along in the Rolling Hills of Louisville, KY. One of our investigators is getting baptized this weekend and she is so very excited! It has been a long time coming for her and she has had some major trials come up but she has been such a trooper. She knows this is true and has experienced the difference that the Spirit makes in her life. It has been such a pleasure to serve with her and help her overcome any concerns that she may have. Another glorious thing about missionary work is being able to see the Atonement work in other people's lives and see how the knowledge of the gospel changes people. We have another investigator who was really struggling who reset a date with us this week for April 8th! It has been so exciting to see him overcome his doubts and fears and to see the Spirit working in his life. The gospel is true and it changes lives! I love it and am so eternally grateful for the knowledge we have and the chance we get to share it with everyone :)
We have another investigator that we have been teaching who continue to progress toward his baptismal date on the 15th. He has some concerns with being baptized again since he has been a baptist all his life but with the amazing near death experience that happened and how similar it is to the plan of salvation, he is very intrigued and seeking to know that these things are true. We love meeting with him and hope to see even more progress with him this week.
We had another amazing miracle happen to us this week that has to do with working with members. We were on our way to teach one of our single male investigators, thinking the whole time that we were going to teach him a quick lesson in the hallway since we didn't have a member with us, when a member opened his door! He has a brain injury so he has a companion with him through the week and the one that was on shift happened to be a member in our stake! Then, later on in the week, we had two lessons with single men that we needed members for. We posted an SOS post on FB and an inactive member reached out and asked if she could come to one. She bore such a great testimony and then invited us over for next week. So cool! Then our bishops wife called and said she could come to the other one so we were able to have her come out with us and the lesson was AMAZING. Members are seriously such a blessing to have in lessons because they bring the most glorious spirit and really add amazing testimonies to the lesson.
Other than that, we have continued to work on finding new investigators, working with less actives, and strengthening our relationships with the members. We have seen much success as we have involved the members and even seen some miracles from members doing missionary work without even being asked. Someone brought flowers to our investigator on her birthday and it meant the world to her! Things like that really inspire me because those little acts of kindness and love are what Christlike service is all about. I love missionary work and love this gospel. Most of all, I love my Savior. He is aware of us. He comforts, leads and guides us. He is our Advocate and our very best friend. Let us all strive to lean on Him this week and allow His Atonement to change our hearts.
Have an amazing week! Thank you all for the love, support, and prayers
️ it means the world! Love y'all
Sister Dorian 
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