Hello everyone!
So, after 8 months of biking around in all of the elements and meeting
some of my favorite people, I am being transferred to Somerset,
Kentucky. It is a small little town down south and my new companion is
a sister named Sister Westwood. I am so excited to go experience rural
Kentucky and all that it has to offer but more importantly I am really
excited to see/teach people that are being prepared for this gospel
down there. I am definitely going to miss downtown Louisville and this
Ward I have come to love but change is always good, even though
sometimes it's hard️
I have learned LOTS of lessons this week, which is always good, but
one that sticks out is the experience that I had yesterday. I have
been striving my entire mission (and my entire life), but especially
this transfer, to really recognize the Spirit. I have been trying to
act in faith on those promptings we receive in order to follow
Heavenly Fathers will exactly. As I have done this, I have felt the
Spirit more abundantly in all that we do and I have felt my testimony
strengthen. One of these experiences happened yesterday.
We were teaching gospel principles class about the Holy Ghost and our
mission president (who is in our ward) commented about an experience
he had in college. He said that when Harold B. Lee became the prophet,
he didn't know for sure if he was a prophet of God like he had known
with Joseph F. Smith. So, he made the decision to fast and pray on the
subject and remembers being illuminated with understanding from the
Holy Ghost regarding the succession of prophets and how divinely
appointed it is. What he said really stuck with me. While I already
knew that Thomas S. Monson is indeed a prophet of God, I felt prompted
to follow his example and fast for an increased understanding of
prophets and a stronger conviction in our current prophet today. As I
fasted, the most marvelous thing happened. Not only did I learn much
about prophets as I studied, but every time I taught our contacted
someone and testified of the prophet, there was power behind those
words that I had never felt before. It was in the act of testifying of
prophets that my testimony was strengthened. If I had not followed
that prompting, I would not have been able to feel that strength and
understanding like I did. I know that Thomas S. Monson is our prophet,
called by God to declare His word. I know that Jesus Christ stands at
the head of this church and guides the prophet to direct it as He sees
fit. I know that this church is the true church on Earth today and I
am so very grateful for the chance that I have to stand as a witness
of Christ at all times, in all things, and in all places. I am also so
grateful for the Spirit and the guidance we can receive from Him as we
listen and obey :)
Now for the week. On Monday, we relaxed at the church all day which
was super fun. Then we spent the rest of the week finding and
teaching. We spent lots of time with our YSA investigator and she is
so ready to be baptized! We had a great experience with her this week.
After we went to church with her to help her cut off ties, her
preacher set up a time to meet with her so they could talk. We were so
worried about this because we knew that he was going to try and sway
her, so we did a quick little fast and prayed for her all week. She
had her interview and dinner at a member's home and we met with her as
much as we could to continue to strengthen and prepare her, and then
we left it up to Heavenly Father. When the meeting came around, he
told her all of this stuff about how we were a cult and in response,
she told him that she was being baptized because we have the right
authority. What?!? How cool is that?? The amazing thing is that the
authority was the hardest thing for her to understand and grasp, and
now, it is one of the strongest points in her testimony. She is such a
sweet spirit and I am so glad that I got the chance to teach her.
Missionary work is amazing!
We also did lots of tracking, helped a family move out and another
couple move in, painted some blocks for our Ward mission leader, and
got fed lots! We really did have a great week and I am grateful for
all of the things that we were able to do to move this work forward. I
know that our Savior lives and is watching out for us each and every
day. This church is true and I hope to continue being refined as a
missionary so I can be an effective instrument in the Lords hands to
bring about His eternal purposes.
After Ammon sees the fruits of his missionary efforts with the
Anti-Nephi-Levi's, he says to his brothers, "And we have entered into
their houses and taught them, and we have taught them in their
streets; yea, and we have taught them upon their hills; and we have
also entered into their temples and their synagogues and taught them;
and we have been cast out, and mocked, and spit upon, and smote upon
our cheeks; and we have been stoned, and taken and bound with strong
cords, and cast into prison; and through the power and wisdom of God
we have been delivered again.And we have suffered all manner of
afflictions, and all this, that perhaps we might be the means of
saving some soul; and we supposed that our joy would be full if
perhaps we could be the means of saving some.Now behold, we can look
forth and see the fruits of our labors; and are they few? I say unto
you, Nay, they are many; yea, and we can witness of their sincerity,
because of their love towards their brethren and also towards us."
Alma 26:29-31 As we are diligent in sharing this gospel, our fruits
will be many. It is not an easy task, but it is a task well worth it.
I love you all. Have an amazing week. Be ready for lots of pictures of
cows and horses and rolling Hills. This sister is going south!🏻
Sister Dorian️
Wednesday, May 10, 2017
Goodbye to Louisville
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