Hello everyone!
Sorry to be so late on the email this week. We are going to the temple this week before I get transferred so our PDay changed to Wednesday. We are so excited to attend the temple. Even though I will be leaving my baby area soon, i am so grateful that we get the chance to go before I leave :)
Before I get into what we did for the last week and a half, I wanted to talk about some things that I learned (trying to change things around with the weekly to make it easier to read so bear with me
🏻). One main lesson that comes to mind is replacing fear with faith. In my life, I feel like I become subject to my fears and doubts and have let them bug me way more than they should. Since I tend to be a perfectionist, fear of not being perfect is a major struggle (which is silly since we can't be perfect in this life). This week, I realized that I can not exercise adequate faith when I am living in fear. In order to dispel fear, we must exercise faith in Christ through prayer, scripture study, obedience to the commandments, and righteous service. In the Book of Mormon, Alma and his people were able to master this concept. It says in Mosiah, "But Alma went forth and stood among them, and exhorted them that they should not be frightened, but that they should remember the Lord their God and he would deliver them. Therefore they hushed their fears, and began to cry unto the Lord that he would soften the hearts of the Lamanites, that they would spare them, and their wives, and their children." Mosiah 23:27-28 When we are living righteously, we have no need to fear. The Lord will always come to our aid in His perfect time and way. I am so grateful for the amazing experiences I had this week that helped me to learn this essential concept. Faith dispels fear and when we cry unto the Lord, He will ALWAYS deliver us.
Also, the temple was amazing today! I learned so much about faith and the purpose of opposition in our lives. Something that I have realized is that opposition will always come before righteous and spiritual moments. To combat it, we must pray and strengthen our faith in Christ. The Savior is our Best Friend. He understands who we are and what our desires are. He will strengthen us and teach us all the things we need to learn. I am so grateful for the gospel and the understanding we get from the Spirit as we strive to live faithful to our covenants :)
Now for the week (and a half). On Monday last week, we went to House of Boom with some other sisters and then went and ate fried chicken :) we also got to eat dinner with one of the sweetest couples in our Ward. On Tuesday, we did exchanges and were able to teach some great lessons. I exchanged with Hermana Swapp and it was so much fun. She is a sweetie pie :) on Wednesday, we had a great district meeting about teaching repentance in order to truly baptize converts. On Thursday we got to teach Renae and we both feel like she has lots of potential so we hope to see more from her soon.
On Saturday, we went to Glasgow for a baptism! The mission nurse and her husband (who we just love to death) drove us down and we had such a great time! Fred was the investigator getting baptized and he was just the sweetest. That night, we met these two guys on the street. They are very interesting! They showed genuine interest in the church and were very knowledgeable about it. They came to church and one bore his testimony about how much he loves the family emphasis in our church. We taught them on Monday night and the both accepted baptismal dates! They live in the Elders area so we are going to have to refer them but it was still a pretty amazing experience.
Sunday was amazing. Miranda and Sarah Jane came basically on their own (hardly any help from us except a text) and the both bore such sweet testimonies. Miranda has been participating in class and has made such great friends with the Ward. It has been such a tender mercy to be able to see her through this whole journey and onward. I just love them!!
Our YSA investigator has been doing fabulous. She decided that she wants to be baptized in the family Ward and is still on track to be baptized on the 25th. She is such a sweet heart. She truly has such a testimony and being able to see her progress in this gospel has been so touching. We just love her to death.
The rest of the week has been a lot of finding, especially tracking. Tracking is actually a pretty fun activity if you make it fun so that has been an interesting experience for sure. We found a cute couple a few nights ago knocking doors so hopefully we can help them find the joy that this gospel brings.
This week was a great week. I am so grateful for a loving companion who keeps me laughing and makes me eat chips and salsa and is really good at teaching the gospel. I love the mission but most of all, I love my Savior, Jesus Christ. Because of Him, nothing is ever too hard to bear. He is our Advocate and Friend and for that, I am forever grateful.
I love you all. Have a great week!!
Sister Dorian
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