Hello everyone!
This week was pretty crazy as well, hence the subject line :) I have learned so much about myself and about the Savior and how much we need Him in our lives. Struggles bring us closer to the Lord, and my eyes have been very opened to just how much I need Him.
One major thing that sticks out learning this week is how perfectionism is not from God. I have noticed my perfectionist qualities come out on my mission and have been able to learn lots, with the help of others, about how to find peace in imperfection and lean on the Savior. None of us are ever going to reach perfection in this life; it's impossible! Heavenly Father does not expect perfection of us, and if we expect it of ourselves then we are going to spend most of our time feeling like we haven't measured up. We must realize that Heavenly Father has given us weakness so that we may realize exactly how much we truly need our Savior in our day to day lives. In Ether 12:27, it says, "And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them." It is only through the Atonement and faith in our Savior that we can become strong. No matter how hard we try, if we are on our own then we will never be "good enough". But if we have faith in Christ, then all things are possible. Another thing I learned is that we can't expect others to be perfect either. Each of us have free agency and we must remember that all we can control is ourselves and the choices we make. We can lovingly correct, encourage, and strengthen, but after that we must trust that Heavenly Father knows more than we do and in the end, everything will work out. All in all, Christ is the answer and if we turn to Him and center our lives on Him, we will overcome trials and find pure joy, even before we reach perfection. This time is a time given to us to prepare to meet God through repentance and faith, not a time for us to worry all the time about doing everything perfect. This was an essential lesson for me to learn and I am so very grateful for it!
Now for the week. We don't have too much to share about this week because a lot of it was finding less actives and people to teach. We have been working a lot with our most progressing baptismal date and she has been doing awesome! We had her in a member's home for FHE and then we had her at the relief society party. She said that on her way to the party, she was feeling really low and in the dumps and after the party, she felt peace, joy and acceptance. Such a neat experience. We have also been able to see a few recent converts and less actives as well which has been great. There are a few other investigators that are moving right along and continuing along in the conversion process so we are working with them but there isn't too much to tell yet. Other than that, we had a pretty chill week of finding.
We also had an amazing experience with an investigator this week that I wanted to share. This investigator is actually one that I met a few weeks ago in Louisville right before I left and the sisters here ended up running into him and teaching him! When I saw him for the first time, I was dumbfounded. I knew that I was supposed to meet him all those nights ago and now, I am teaching him! He was in an accident many years ago that out him into a coma and paralyzed him on his left side. He told us about how during his experience, he believes that he went to heaven (Spirit world) and saw his father who had died when he was a baby. He talked about how there wasn't any hurting or pain there and how people were in different stages. He also said that he knew from this experience that there were levels in Heaven. I am sure you can guess the lesson we taught him this week. As we taught the plan of salvation, the Spirit was SO STRONG. A member that we had with us showed a video at the end about the Savior and it had all of us in tears because all of this is possible because of Jesus Christ and the Spirit testified that to each of us. Such an amazing experience! He doesn't have a date yet because he doesn't quite understand the restoration so we will keep you posted on that :)
Anyways, I love you all. I hope you have an amazing week and don't ever forget how much our Heavenly Father loves each of us. Let us turn to the Savior in all that we do and He will heal our hearts and hush our fears. I know that this church is true with everything inside me and I am so eternally grateful for the chance I have to bring others to Christ through it. Hurrah for Israel
Sister Dorian 
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