Hey y'all!
Merry Christmas. I can't believe Christmas is this week. It really has come so fast. Missionary work is amazing during this time of year. As everyone reflects on how the Savior has blessed their lives, their desire to come closer to Him increases. This gospel is the way for people to truly accept and apply the Atonement of the Savior and what a better time than when we celebrate His birth.
Miracles are continuing to occur in this area and it is amazing! Quick update on the companion:
She went and consulted a surgeon this week and has to go home and get surgery :( arrangements are being made for her to leave at the end of the transfer around Jan. 10th. So sad but I feel lots of peace that this is Heavenly Father's plan and that everything is going to work out. She plans on coming back after she is recovered too! Who knows, we might end up being companions again :)
Since it is Christmas PDay, I am going to try and be brief so I have time to write as many letters as I possibly can (letters are always better!). I will start with fun activities and then tell y'all the miracles we experienced :)
On Monday, the assistants, downtown elders, and us got our ugly Christmas sweaters and took family photos for Christmas. Then, on Tuesday, we got to have interviews with president. I love our mission president so much!! It is going to be an emotional day when they leave in June. I am trying not to think about it haha. We got to do another Facebook live lesson on Wednesday and we went Christmas shopping for our dinner hour on Friday. We also ate with our assistant Ward mission leader yesterday and it was so much fun! All around we had an exciting week :)
Now for the miracles! On Tuesday, we were finally able to teach Lucas on Messenger. He has been really sick for the past week so we have been utilizing our technology to keep in contact and it has been working great! At this point though, his mom needs to get to church in order to get him there so that he can be baptized. Miranda keeps having things come up on Sundays but she is still obeying the Word of Wisdom. Her baptism might have to be moved back again but we will see! On Wednesday, we taught a family from Micronesia. They are interested in learning more but we don't know how much intent they have. We will be solidifying our expectations in our next lesson so we will keep you posted!
On Thursday, we had a member with us for the entire afternoon! A member in our Ward has a sister that just got home from her mission in Nicaragua so she came and spent the day with us. Sister Henderson's original consultation with the surgeon was supposed to be that day but her appointment got cancelled. After we called around to a bunch of orthopedic surgeons around town, we found her an appointment for the next day and then hopped on a bus. When we got to where we needed to go, the bus started driving away and then it stopped again and a guy jumped out. He said "Hey! I'm Lewis! Remember me??" We looked at him so confused! He told us a little bit more about himself and where he met us and then I remembered him. Sister I and I met him months ago but we could never meet with him. He told us about how he got a new job so he is way more free to meet. Turns out he wasn't even supposed to be on that bus. His boss had let him go early because it was his birthday. So Heavenly Father has facilitated our meeting and we were able to teach him as we walked home with him. He is amazing. Heavenly Father is in every single detail of this work. As we have faith and trust in the Lord, He makes miracles happen. So amazing!
That day, we were also able to finally teach William and katelynn with Shawn. We have been trying to teach them all together for so long but it never worked out. We showed up at Williams house and Shawn happened to be there. That night, we were also able to help this sweet couple carry their groceries home and went and taught them the next day. They are amazing. So many miracles! When we follow promptings and believe in Heavenly Fathers plan, things always work out!
Yesterday, we had another miracle! One of our appts fell through so we were trying to figure out how we were going to hit our lesson goal. As we were walking to an apartment complex nearby, we stopped at a lady's house and complimented her on her cute Christmas decorations. Turns out that this very lady had met with sisters two years ago and was never noticed because she didn't agree with some of our doctrine. We explained to her that she needed to find out if the Book of Mormon in order to hush her fears about the other thing that he didn't understand. She is interested in meeting with missionaries again so we invited her to start reading and praying again and she accepted! We are excited to help her recognize her answers and find true peace in her life.
We also gained a golden investigator this week. She is friends with a member of our Ward and she is so ready to be baptized. She has already been to church twice and has accepted a baptismal date for January 21st. We are so excited to help her progress and can't wait to see what Heavenly Father has in store for her and her cute little 3 year old son, Luca.
I wanted to end this email with my testimony of our Savior, Jesus Christ. We met a lot of people this week with a strong belief in Him and His role as our Redeemer but we also met a lot of people who don't believe in Him or don't believe in His Atonement. This has lead me to reflect a lot on Jesus Christ and His role in my life. I am so humbled and grateful for the opportunity that Heavenly Father has given me to be born with the light of Christ and to have been born into the truth. I don't know where I would be or how I would feel about myself or the future if I didn't have the testimony that I do about Jesus Christ. I sit here today in awe as I think back and remember the countless times that He has strengthened me, comforted me, healed me, and inspired me. He is my best and truest friend. No matter how many times I mess up or forget just how merciful He truly is, He is always there. He stands beside me as my Advocate and Mediator. He is the way that I gain a personal relationship with Heavenly Father. He is the way that we can be with our families forever. He is the reason that we can find joy and have an eternal perspective. He is the way to become everything that we were created to become. Without Him, I am nothing. With Him, I can do ANYTHING. He is the way home to our Father in Heaven and I can't think of a more perfect best friend to have at your side during every trial in this life. I love Him and I hope to one day become like Him.
Moroni once said, "charity is the pure love of Christ, and it endureth forever; and whoso is found possessed of it at the last day, it shall be well with him. Wherefore, my beloved brethren, pray unto the Father with all the energy of heart, that ye may be filled with this love, which he hath bestowed upon all who are true followers of his Son, Jesus Christ; that ye may become the sons of God; that when he shall appear we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is; that we may have this hope; that we may be purified even as he is pure. Amen."
May we all strive to become true followers of Jesus Christ and plead for charity. Let us remember Him as we serve our families and those around us. As we do, we will be become the sons and daughter of God. We will see Christ as He is and we will gain and eternal hope and be purified through His Atonement. I testify that He lives. He loves us and desires for us all to partake of His Heavenly gift. No matter what day of the year it is, let us all #lighttheworld with His love.
Merry Christmas everyone! I love you all!!!
Love always,
Sister Dorian 
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