Hello everyone!
Ps. Please send me a quick email if you get this. It seems like people haven't been getting my weekly's lately so I am trying to fix that :)
I will be honest with you all. This week was probably the most humbling of my mission. I have felt pretty inadequate coming to a new area where I know nothing and no one, not to mention having our most progressing investigator speak only Spanish. However, I have learned SO MUCH about myself and reliance on the Savior. We seriously can not get through this life without him. That is why finding and accepting this gospel is so important; this is the way that our Heavenly Father has set up for His children to fully access the sacrifice of His Son. We have to have faith, repent, be baptized and partake of the sacrament each week, love so the Holy Ghost can be our constant companion and endure to the end. I have seen up close and personal how essential each of these steps is in enduring to the end and finding joy in this life. I am so very grateful for the Atonement and the chance it gives us to enjoy and make the most of this life here on Earth. I still don't know much Spanish, but the gift of tongues is so real and it will come with time. I am loving Somerset and Sister Westwood has the sweetest heart around. It is going to be a great time here in the Cumberland District and I can't wait to see what lies in store for us.
The week was pretty exciting. It is much different being in a car but we still get to bike to appointments that are within a 3 mile radius so I am getting some good exercise in ;) I am loving being able to listen to music again! It's the little things for sure.
We have been doing a lot of finding because we don't have many investigators right now and we have been seeing success! We found a few new investigators last night while visiting less active apps and found a few more tracking throughout the week. It is too early to know their potential yet but we will keep you posted.
Like I said before, we have a baptismal date that speaks Spanish, along with a recent convert! My first lesson with him was a struggle because the only words I remember from high school are cebolla (onion) and lechuga (lettuce) so after that, I started studying Spanish in the pamphlets, Book of Mormon, everything! I was pretty happy when we taught out recent convert the plan of salvation and I could contribute to the lesson. Our teaching is extremely simple but honestly, it is better that way! Instead of getting caught up in all of the details, I am being forced to teach as simply as I possibly can. I love it! Any Spanish tips would be much appreciated for all you Spanish missionaries:)
Another fun highlight of the week is we got to go back to Louisville for the baptism of sister Moore and I's YSA investigator. It was the sweetest baptism ever and she was glowing when she got up and bore her testimony after of the prophet and Gods love for us. It was good to see the crew again too while I was up there, but I was excited to come back to our area.
Our branch is the sweetest little thing ever. I already love them and can't wait to serve with them. We are a combined branch with Monticello (the area below us) so we have Elders there. They are pretty awesome so working together will be a blast!
Anyways, I love you all. I am loving life and learning lots. This church is so true. It is the one true church with the authority to act in Gods name on the Earth. How fortunate are we to know what we know. Let us share it is any possible way that we can, so that we can experience all of the joy that Heavenly Father has in store for us.
Hurrah for Israel!
Sister Dorian 
Alma 37:44 (this whole chapter is bomb. Here is one of my favorite verses)
"Pues he aquÃ, tan fácil es prestar atención a la palabra de Cristo, que te indicará un curso directo a la felicidad eterna, como lo fue para nuestros padres prestar atención a esta brújula que les señalaba un curso directo a la tierra prometida."
"For behold, it is as easy to give heed to the word of Christ, which will point to you a straight course to eternal bliss, as it was for our fathers to give heed to this compass, which would point unto them a straight course to the promised land."
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