Hello everyone!
I know everyone is probably thinking this but I am just going to bring it out in the open. General Conference was amazing. I learned so much and there is just too much to tell, so I am going to talk about my favorite talk ever since it goes perfectly with what I learned this week.
Elder Utchdorfs talk on fear was exactly what I needed to hear. It was as if he wrote that talk specifically for me. That is a testimony to me that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ know us perfectly and that this church is the true church on the Earth. These men are inspired apostles of God with the keys to act in His name and guide our lives. HOW AMAZING IS THAT?!?! This talk given by utchdorf was amazing. When we are focused on our Savior, we can experience joy. Also, we need never live in fear or inflict fear on others. One of my favorite statements is when he said that fear will motivate us to do things, but it will be temporary and shallow. Fear will not change our hearts. I feel like sometimes, I catch myself being obedient out of fear. However, our motivation should not be out of duty or fear, but rather out of pure love of our Savior. In Moroni 8:16 it says, "I fear not what man can do; for perfect love casteth out all fear," and when we are filled with perfect love, we can exercise faith. I am so grateful for this message because it has brought me so much peace! I know that Heavenly Father is aware of us and who He wants us to become. He wants us to be filled with this love, as it states in Moroni 7, because He knows that when we are, our hearts are changed and we become like the Savior. When we have the perfect love of Christ embedded in our souls, we forget ourselves and are able to do His work instead of our own.
I am so grateful for the chance we have to hear from apostles and especially from our prophet. Thomas S. Monson's testimony was simple but powerful. He is Gods prophet on the Earth today. This is the Lords one true church and He upholds and inspires His chosen servants. What a glorious time to live during as this wonderful man continues to lead and guide our church. Hurrah for Israel
This week was good missionary work-wise. We had an investigator drop us but we helped him record conference and he promised he would watch it. Based on how spiritually powerful conference was, we have high hopes that he will continue meeting with us! As we are obedient and exercise faith, Heavenly Father provides miracles, even if they take some time to come about. I have faith that good things are to come and the prepared are going to be found!
Our most progressing investigator is doing great. He came to all sessions of conference and absolutely loved it. We have formed a strong bond with him and call ourselves "the triad", which is always hilarious. We had some amazing experiences with him this week as we taught him. Since he has been taught all the lessons and still has two weeks till his baptism, he has decided to ask us his deepest, hardest questions. In the beginning of my mission, this would have freaked me out! However, when we trusted in the Spirit and kept a prayer in our hearts, the answers always came and the Spirit was always present. After one of the lessons, he said "No other missionaries would have been able to answer these like y'all just answered those. This is true, no doubt." So cool! Stay tuned for pictures of his baptism in a few weeks.
We have a few other investigators we are working with and the members have been so helpful! Being in this Ward has really opened my eyes to the glory that member missionary work is. The Spirit is so amazing as a member testifies of the truth of this gospel. Sometimes, I am freaked out by how fast my mission is going, but then I realize how I can continue to help others come into Christ no matter what and it brings me such joy! This gospel is true and after seeing it change so many lives, how can we not share it?? :)
Sister O'Keeffe and I are staying together this transfer and she goes home after this one so I will most likely be here for two more, tallying 8 total transfers in Louisville. This city will always hold such a special place in my heart and I am so very grateful for the chance to learn and grow and help others come to Christ in His service. Our Savior lives, He loves us and His power is real. His grace is sufficient to make our weaknesses strengthens when we have faith and humble ourselves before Him.
Thank you so much for all of the love, support, and prayers. I love you all so much! Have an amazing week
Sister Dorian
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